General Mental Health Projects – Consultancy

Ad hoc consultancy projects working with Mental Health Providers.

Pre Merger Due Diligence

We were engage by a Mental Health Trust about to merge with another to undertake a independent review of the targets Mental Health PbR programme, its conformance with national timelines and the expected requirements upon merger.
We met key staff onsite over a period of two and a half days and carried out other desktop and telephone conversation reviews.
Within 15 working days of a go live date we produced our report detailing

Status against national position and commissioning organisation
Key stakeholder perceptions
Recommendation for project as stand alone and merged organisation.

Primary Care Trust Review

We were engaged by a PCT to undertake an independent review of their Providers Mental Health PbR programme, its conformance with national timelines, its position against Commissioning aspirations and general recommendations for its development.
We met key staff onsite over a period of two and a half days and carried out other desktop and telephone conversation reviews.
We produced our detailed report of our view on the key areas commissioned including our perception of a new clinical system project procurement process and a major pathway development project.
The report flagged key differences in aspiration and provide recommendation for closing these gaps for the forthcoming year.

Tariff Readiness

We were engaged by a Mental Health Trust to assess the readiness and resourcing implications for a full blown PbR process in the local health economy.
We met with provider, commissioning and CCG personnel including Acute Trust and Commissioning staff dealing with PbR in the established environment.
Our report identified key areas for process planning and current areas of inadequate focus
We flagged opportunities for IT joint development.
We recommended resourcing needs and area where cooperative joint working were essential